Homeschool Myths
- so·cial·i·za·tion – the process by which a human being beginning at infancy acquires the habits, beliefs, and accumulated knowledge of society through education and training for adult status. (from Merriam-Webster on socialization)
- seg·re·ga·tion – the separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethnic group by enforced or voluntary residence in a restricted area, by barriers to social intercourse, by separate educational facilities, or by other discriminatory means. (from Merriam-Webster on socialization)
This is almost a timeless argument against home education. To this, Debbie Moon says, “Yes, that is true. There are so many opportunities for us to socialize with all ages, races, religions, interests, and offerings that it is difficult to protect adequate time for our studies.”
There will be gaps in your child’s education if you homeschool. There will also be gaps in your child’s education if you send them to a traditional school. There is no way around gaps. Consider what sort of gaps are acceptable as you decide what is best for your children/family.
If your child attends math in classroom A, he/she will miss some of the concepts being taught in classroom B, and equally if attending class at home). The gaps that will not be as likely to occur when attending classroom homeschool are the character gaps. Educational gaps can be easily closed while character gaps take years of diligent and careful repair. One is a matter of a present grade while the other is a matter of our child’s future self.
Bringing our children home for their education does not protect them from the outside world. The internet brings the universe into our homes and children’s pockets by the megabyte. We can no longer be assured that our tech-free child will not experience evils such as pornography if he/she is active outside of the home at all. If there is one other child in your neighborhood with access to a screen, begin talking to your child now. If you are a parent who feels your child is mature enough to manage the ‘keys to the universe’ be assured that your reasonings are based upon sound research.
The great news is that while we can no longer rest assured that a moment on the playground won’t scar their eyes or hearts, we can rest assured that we will be a part of walking alongside and through whatever trauma befalls them.
Interestingly enough, most homeschooling parents feel blessed to be able to ‘reclaim’ their education through learning a page ahead of (teaching) their students or even learning beside them. It is not difficult. A challenge? Yes. Impossible? No.
Some might say that the parent-teachers who have the most trouble creating a flexible fluid home school are those educated as certified teachers. Creating a small, public school in your kitchen is a surefire way to promote misery for all. That is not to say that some form of structure is not warranted, but consider the difference between a tutoring situation and a classroom of 25 students. They require vastly different sets of rules, methods, and standards. Creating systems, settings, and success for both you and your children leads to joyful discovery!
SPORTS/FINE ARTS/MUSIC: Each year there is added growth to what is available to homeschoolers. In many cities and towns across the United States, there have been started groups for football, cheerleading, track, cross country, multiple fine arts programs, band, orchestra, choir, and more. More information here
DANCES/PROM/GRADUATION: There are groups across the state that offer all of these events with as much glamour and preparation as any traditional school. Check out your local FB pages, support groups, and smaller groups.
Think of homeschooling a child as choosing to teach him how to swim rather than handing him over to a team of professional swim instructors. Those not familiar with home education jump to the conclusion that we set out to toss our beloved child(ren) into the deep end while we, ourselves, may be barely comfortable in the water. Seldom considered is that we can teach ourselves how to swim alongside our child. Starting in the shallow end, becoming thoroughly comfortable, mastering each stroke, going further to teach drown proofing, CPR, 1st aid, and concluding the lessons once our child can teach another person all that he has learned, can save another, and can bring back to life, all with a good and kind attitude of wanting to better the world rather than simply get by.
When your child completes whatever level of education they decide, they will be termed an adult. It used to come much earlier, like after high school graduation. It pre-dates the early 80s when parents became convinced they needed to provide a college education for their child(ren). Now adulthood sets in either after high school if that is the student’s goal or college graduation if that is the student’s goal.
Ask yourself, “Who do I want my child to be when they reach this point in maturity and what do I want my relationship with them to be?” Does this hinge upon the completion of that science lab, history book, or math curriculum? Your child will learn to read no matter if at age 3 or 13. Your child will learn to handle money, themselves, relationships, and future learning even if your day-to-day home school does not meet your mental ideals, but your relationship with your child(ren) will not fail- it will grow. Relationship will be one of the greatest accomplishments of your time home educating!
Faithful Scholars is a trusted, experienced, and legal option to homeschool in SC as recognized by the SC State Board of Education with a passion to meet you where you are and grow you forward through your home school moments.