Dual Enrollment
Grading Policy
- Colleges apply letter grades rather than numerical grades. Faithful Scholars and most other transcript-producing entities convert the letter grade to a numerical grade by selecting the “Middle Number”. For our SC 10 Point SCUGP Scale, that means that an “A” becomes 95%. In some cases, this may cost your student a few points but in others, it might gain him/her a few points. Over the years we have tracked the outcome and it is a wash in the majority of cases. Remember that all of our dual credit students receive the same conversion, so you are playing on a level playing field.
- Note that your child’s dual credit grades should balance with the grades they are receiving at home and in other programs. If they are markedly different, please be prepared to support your grading policies. These are either huge red flags or green lights when applying to colleges.
- Standardized test scores are another area that needs more attention. It can be confusing to understand at-home grading policies. Want more information on preparing for standardized tests whose scores can earn you scholarship money? Curious how GPA can relate to test scores?
OUR GOAL: To educate and guide you in your role of administrator while supporting and encouraging you in your role of parent-educator. We love what we do and we do what we love with attention to your individualized needs.
- College transcripts must be emailed annually by or before June 10th.
- Dual enrollment credit will be awarded for academic core classes. These are typically courses that can be transferred from one college to another for credit such as math, English, computer science, psychology, etc.
- Remedial courses such as Math 032, Eng 031, etc at York Tech, will be assigned College Prep credit.
Transcript Timing
If you are graduating with your first child expect this part of your first year to be a bit emotional and confusing. We will guide and educate you as to the professional reasons for any suggestions made.
If you have a hard deadline to meet please allow at least 3 weeks to complete the transcript process or expedite your transcript ($50) and an email and maintain a steady contact until your transcript has been completed/received/finalized.
Faithful Scholars handles each student’s transcript as an individual school which means a lot of attention to detail as we build a professional and strong reading transcript. Want to read more….the full article is available for Faithful Scholars’ members only. The first step though is to submit an On-Line Electronic Transcript Worksheet by or before June 10th. High school seniors’ grades are due by or before May 31st.
Faithful Scholars is a trusted, experienced, and legal option to homeschool in SC as recognized by the SC State Board of Education with a passion to meet you where you are and grow you forward through your home school moments.