Every homeschool parent is positive she is going to miss something along the way, and she is correct. The teacher across the school hall is also missing something as is the college professor. No one person can cover it all, but one person can know what is needed by...
–by a brilliant and beautiful friend who wishes to remain nameless Six little letters follow my name—B.A., M.A., J.D.—and two precede it—Ms. So it appears that the feminists have won out. I am my own person. Each night when I come home, I have no frets over what...
As we excitedly plan out our learning and lessons for next year it strikes me how the butterfly-joy welling up from within is based on the journey rather than thoughts of the completion of another year. It feels like running into a dear friend who has been out of...
Finding harmony based upon routine is one of a homeschoolers core daily struggles. Even for those of us who are determined to maintain a fluid day, there must be some order. When do the children wake, what lessons are the big slimy toads and need swallowing first,...