Teach at Academic Level

In our daily Faithful Scholar’s posts and emails, it is wonderfully clear how much we love the sweetness of our children, awakening their wonder of learning, and homeschooling them toward a lives of brilliance. I read the honor and amazement of all that we get...

Homeschooling Olders alongside Littles

The key is knowing that they want to do what the ‘big kids’ and parents are doing. Allow them to begin practicing (through play) your future plans for how you want them to approach lessons beyond tracing their name with a colored crayon. Children play...

Gauging Success

Revised and Updated May, 2023 If you gauge your elementary student against public schooled students you will feel that he/she is behind, but if you teach at home at least through 3rd grade you will find that your child will zoom right ahead of his public schooled...

Balancing Learning and Joy

Rest easy.  You absolutely cannot academically ruin an elementary level student. These little guys are made to bounce in all ways.  Their resiliency and absorption ranks right up there with Elasta-Girl. The most typical mistake we over-excited, eager, fun-loving...

Dylexia, A Gift

We always have several gifted children in our family.  I consider dyslexia a gift, and am an ever-reaching, ever-growing, ever-succeeding dyslexic myself.  At least one of our children has this same gift, another is gifted with a processing disorder, and a third is...

Beginning at Age Three

    You have made the biggest decision already which is to homeschool.  Doing so ‘from the beginning’ is a lovely way to build your home culture to weave fully with a culture of education, building a library in your home as you collect books, and blend learning with...

Success in Our Day to Day

Parent: I feel like I have hit a brick wall with homeschooling 4 of my kids: 7 years old, 8 years, 10, and 12 years old.  I have a 1 year old as well. I feel as though I am failing them. It kills me to think of putting them in public school I want this to work. We...

End of Year Fizzles

What leads to burn out at this time of year? How can we instead be encouraged, or at least enjoy a motivated push toward the finish line? We have had lovely Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks, perhaps a Winter Break and a Spring Break, yet April and May are the times...

Take a Leap of Faith for your Child

MAMA L:   I was watching the video about midterm reports and you mentioned something about having a defiant child who needed to unschool possibly.  (remember Faithful Scholars’ members, you have accesss to our Video Library- the link was sent with your Welcome...

Why Do You Home School?

Reason Number 5024… …Okay, so maybe we should begin with reason one as that is what got each of us to take this leap of faith plunging our families into these inexplicably, unexpectedly beautiful waters of the perfect IEP (Individualized Educational Plan)....

Immediate VS Lasting Education

Every homeschool parent is positive she is going to miss something along the way, and she is correct.  The teacher across the school hall is also missing something as is the college professor.  No one person can cover it all, but one person can know what is needed by...

The Power of Being Feminine

–by a brilliant and beautiful friend who wishes to remain nameless Six little letters follow my name—B.A., M.A., J.D.—and two precede it—Ms. So it appears that the feminists have won out. I am my own person. Each night when I come home, I have no frets over what...

Eager and Early Learners

…Eager and Early Learners I can remember my husband buying a book on our honeymoon entitled, “Teach Your Baby to Read.”  We had already planned to homeschool our children, when they came, but this was not what I had in mind.  A year later our first child was...

Attachment Parenting Coming Back in Style

Attachment parenting began to be poo-pooed when women in the workforce began to be celebrated. From the top down the definition of success was redefined and did not include family unity, family time, family health. Instead, it was an economic advance, economic...

Considering Teaching a High Schooler ?!

The thought of teaching a high school aged teenager at home can be daunting if sprung upon you unawares.  If it has naturally occurred year by year as a committed (as in we are all a bit crazy who do this— crazy cool and crazy joyful and sometimes just crazy!)...

New Year’s Resolution for Peace

The new year is about to begin and we are halfway through our academic year.  Thus far it may have been smooth sailing or bumpier than a toads back.  Either way the sound of adding more peace to one’s day appeals to each of us.  We want it.  How do we get it?...

Unexpected Times

      Almost 2 years ago few of us would have imagined a world slowed down to the pace of horse and carriage (for a lovely 3 weeks!), however this is where we strangely find ourselves.  This pandemic is only abnormal in that it is being lived out under...

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety begins with a thought and can end with a thought taken captive; but, if given free rein to niggle and run around our brains long enough, it creeps into our hearts to squeeze and constrict and proceeds to run rampant through our actions in unhealthy...

Take the Long View

Freedom, true freedom, is grounded in doing as one ‘ought’ to do.  However, today’s trends teach that freedom is being able to do what one ‘wants’ to do.  The ‘Ought To’s’ are a set of very specific commandments that...

When it Goes Wrong

We have all felt moments When it Goes Right.  Deep in our hearts things click- satisfaction, calm, rest, joy, peace all come together in a satisfying sigh of right-ness.  It is attainable.  It is what keeps us seeking the ideal by bettering ourselves and our...

Bad Habits vs. Thankful Habits

Lately I have recognized a bad habit of feeling sorry for myself when my husband or children do not recognize the hard work I put forth 24/7 which results in a lack of gratitude toward and agreement with Poor Little Me.  It was my husband who was brave enough to say,...

The One Thing

There is not time each day for more than One Thing.  I know, we homeschooling mamas thrive on our super powers of accomplishing above and beyond.  That is not what I am talking about.  The One Thing is your most important objective for the day.  It is done well,...

The Praise Habit

This is the time of year where I (try to) back down on office work and bettering and bettering and order those ‘real’ items in my life that are neglected during the wonderfully busy Helping Times that bookend my year with Faithful Scholars–  helping...

Advanced Learners

“This year we are doing first grade, but the public school would have him starting Kindergarten.  He is just too advanced to hold back.” Don’t hold him back academically, but I would encourage you to keep him in the proper grade for his ‘future...

Impact of our Differently Gifted Children

A Note to Parents of Special-Needs Children by Maura Roan McKeegan Earlier this month, in a story called “What I Saw on Respect Life Sunday,” I wrote about witnessing the love between parents and their special-needs children at Mass. This past weekend, by God’s grace,...

Growing Alongside our Young Adults

Dear Mom and Dad, As I wrote to a friend this morning, the email touched on so many of my tender spots that many of us face but few of us share.   If you are not yet at this point in growing up alongside your child, please do not be disheartened because this journey...

Summer Days that Count as School

Each summer Faithful Scholars answers questions as to which/whether days can count toward school– CC practicum/camp, music camp, mechanics camp, car trips, vacations based around historical stops, etc.  YES!!!  You can, and should, count them.  Value and give...

9th Grade Q and A (CC Related)

 Mom:  I have purchased the official  high school binder to keep all of M’s records organized. I have  your helpful list (from previous support email) printed and highlighted in the front. etc…  Last night I reread through all of the info concerning high...

Going Slow is Sometimes Like Medicine

Ponder the last time you spent a day or an hour or a moment purposely going slow. A mom wrote the above title to me the other day after she had watched a box turtle meander along and fireflies dance. These are reasons to homeschool, right? How is it that we get caught...

Grass is Greener

The grass is always greener when seen from a distance.  My fellow homeschoolers all have it together while I still flop and flounder.  Or am I just looking at things from the wrong angle?  My side view shows beautiful lush green.  Step into the middle of that...

Curriculum is a Tool, Not a Goal

As we excitedly plan out our learning and lessons for next year it strikes me how the butterfly-joy welling up from within is based on the journey rather than thoughts of the completion of another year.  It feels like running into a dear friend who has been out of...

Harmony- She is Illusive

Finding harmony based upon routine is one of a homeschoolers core daily struggles.  Even for those of us who are determined to maintain a fluid day, there must be some order.  When do the children wake, what lessons are the big slimy toads and need swallowing first,...

But…What do Colleges Prefer?

  by Ashley Brookshire, Regional Director of Admissions for the West Coast It’s a question I hear often – mostly from families at college fairs who are frantically trying to absorb every available nugget of information available to them in the tight time frame of...

Considering Homeschooling- education vs. being educated

Homeschool is about creating a culture of education, daily devotion to curiosity, and practice of diligence toward discipline.  It is more about character and less about the completion of, or in some situations, the ‘experience’ of, material. ...

Have Your Standards Dropped?

As the year went along did your standards go along with it?  ….You may be a homeschooling mama if….. you are an idealist who cannot maintain her ideals because there are so many of them! The year begins, you have your curriculum set, your daily master plan...

Academic Worship vs. Child Centered Learning

The MAIN THING is not the main lesson nor the main book although we get caught up in ever progressing while within we innately understand that our books are simply springboards toward faith and character. Homeschooling is a phenomenon of immense beauty which ever...

High School Readiness & Gaps

In answer to the common question, “How will I know I am covering “enough” with my soon-to-be 8th grader to prepare him for high school level courses?” You never will.  Makes me grin each time I type this as I can envision the ‘thanks for...

Summer School aka Year ‘Round Schooling aka Relaxing

With summer swiftly arriving and calling us out of doors it is a joyful release to know that the required 180 day academic year is (almost) over.  But, if you are like us and enjoy the ‘anchorage’ of daily worthwhile accomplishment, it is also a time of...